My2Families: Application Benefits
My2Families Software

How Do I Benefit?
Each person will benefit whether they are a co-parent, a child, a family law professional or an invited user. When families become “ex-families”, each person requires a variety of new resources to keep them focused and balanced.
My2Families is the perfect suite of applications, which provides flexibility and organization for each user, while providing individual personal security and privacy for shared information.

In every family there are certain daily, weekly, monthly and yearly routines, and ongoing obligations. Separation causes all family routines to change and responsibilities to shift. Parenting communication changes from discussions after children go to bed to emails or no communication at all, after separation.
Parenting Schedule(s) and Calendar Events for childrens’ activities often become a nightmare for one or both parents. How can activities be arranged when parents don’t speak to each other? Who picks up? Who drops off? Who takes the children to the doctor or dentist when both parents work? How do you look after some of the older kids when there’s a young child at home? Who keeps track of the childrens’ special expenses and who pays?
When children go back and forth between their parents’ homes, are both parents involved with school homework? Do both parents understand how their children feel, and do both parents speak openly to their children and to each other about the children? Is important information still shared such as medical and childcare information?
My2Families modules help with all these questions and more.
The question to ask yourself is, can I manage all my family responsibilities, my personal responsibilities and my obligations without help from My2Families?
Children have simple needs which become complicated when parents separate. The School Planner & Homework Manager is a great place to start. It allows both parents to be involved with their childrens’ school and homework. The Family Calendar will keep your kids organized and they’ll know the “who, what, where and when”, in their lives. The Media Center lets them upload their photos and videos while Notes provides the opportunity for thoughts and feelings to be expressed.
Children want to feel loved by both parents and feel good about themselves, especially at school and amongst their peers, without complications. But… separated life is difficult and challenging. Children will love the simplicity of My2Families and the fear they often feel will start to be replaced with optimism.

When families separate, professionals are often involved such as Family Lawyers, Family Mediators or other qualified separation and divorce Professionals. My2Families allows you to share information with those invited Professionals. Both co-parents can invite Professionals to My2Families, and each co-parent is notified of the invite. Separation and Divorce is a “journey” all family members share. Professionals can help with your journey!
Grandparents, Stepparents and Other Users
If grandparents are able to lend a helping hand, you are very lucky! Separated parents stress about: how can I be at work and also pick up the kids from school, or how can I take Sally to her after-school or evening program and still look after the other children? Today, grandparents, stepparents and other people take a hands-on role in the lives of children. Healthy and abled grandparents, stepmoms or stepdads, friends or relatives help reduce many of the stressors children and co-parents face.