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Author: Stephen Rosenfield

How co-parenting apps can help separated and divorced families

How co-parenting apps can help separated and divorced families

Co-parenting can be challenging, especially for separated or divorced parents. Co-parenting apps offer a range of tools and features to help facilitate communication, organization, and coordination between parents, ultimately benefiting the well-being of their children. One key feature of co-parenting apps is shared calendars. These

Shared Children’s Expenses and Repayment Between Co-Parents: Insights from a Family Mediator

Shared Children’s Expenses and Repayment Between Co-Parents: Insights from a Family Mediator

As a Family Mediator, I’ve witnessed firsthand the complexities that arise when co-parents navigate their child’s special expenses and the repayment dynamics involved. Special expenses, which encompass extracurricular activities, prescriptions, dental appointments, therapy expenses, educational needs, etc., often require collaborative decision-making and financial contribution from

Co-Parenting and Teacher Interaction

Co-Parenting and Teacher Interaction

When co-parenting, effective communication extends beyond discussions between ex-spouses. Engaging with your children’s teachers cooperatively can significantly contribute to their academic success and overall well-being. As a Family Mediator experienced in navigating the complexities of co-parenting dynamics, I understand the importance of fostering positive communication

Tips for Successful Co-Parenting

Tips for Successful Co-Parenting

Co-parenting can be challenging and scary, but with dedication, patience, and effective communication, it is possible to create a positive and nurturing environment for your children. As a Family Mediator with years of experience supporting families through their journey, I’ve compiled some important tips to

Child Support vs. Section 7 Expenses

Child Support vs. Section 7 Expenses

Jennifer Barkin explains the basic information for Child Support and Extraordinary Children’s Expenses in a clear and concise manner. In separated and divorced ex-families always focus on the needs of the children. My2Families helps moms and dads manage the ins and outs of shared children’s

Tips for Talking about Spousal Support

Tips for Talking about Spousal Support

Gene Colman has a wealth of Family Law experience and explains in plain English what all ex-spouses need to know about Spousal Support.   ComeToAgreement  offers Life Insurance products designed to secures Spousal and Child support payments.  Click here to find more information.

Ask Stephen – Information about Separation and Divorce

Ask Stephen – Information about Separation and Divorce

When families separate, most moms and dads don’t understand their new responsibilities, how to cooperatively co-parent, how to budget their new financial reality and how to manage their working lives. In fairness, single parenting is challenging, especially when parents have young children or troubled teenagers.

Why do I need Rebalancing Beneficiaries Support Insurance?

Why do I need Rebalancing Beneficiaries Support Insurance?

RBSI (Rebalancing Beneficiaries Support Insurance) secures Court Ordered or Separation Agreement support payments for Child & Spousal Support, in a fair manner for both parties. It was created specifically for Family Law. There are 4 primary types of support payments: Child Support – the monthly

When Parents Do Well, Children Do Well

When Parents Do Well, Children Do Well

When parents separate, children often may become confused, angry or withdrawn. Some kids feel lost and hopeless while others feel relieved. Each child will react differently. How a child is told or finds out about their parent’s ending relationship is important. How they feel about

12 Tips for Separating or Divorcing Parents

12 Tips for Separating or Divorcing Parents

Separation and Divorcing Parents are never easy on children, but there are many ways moms and dads can help reduce the impact of their break-up. Separated or divorced parents need to work together to some degree. Co-operation helps reduce anxiety, improves a child’s attitude, helps

Children’s Bill of Rights

Children’s Bill of Rights

Children have the right to expect their parents to fulfill their responsibilities. This Children’s Bill of Rights will help guide you during your separation or divorce. Children have the right to be loved and to love both parents without feeling guilty, pressured, disapproved or rejected

Come To Agreement Marries Family Law with Insurance Law

Come To Agreement Marries Family Law with Insurance Law

When couples separate and have children, support payments are typically required. Support payments for Child Support, Children’s Special Expenses, Children’s Future Special Expenses (University, College or Health Issues), Spousal Support (Alimony), and other expenses or debt repayments, are paid by one parent to the other

Preparing Your Marital Home for Sale

Preparing Your Marital Home for Sale

If you’re in the midst of a residential transition after your separation or divorce, you are likely feeling overwhelmed. New schedules, new financial circumstances, emotional turmoil, confusion, changing relationships and anxious children can all lead to heightened levels of stress. Adding fuel to the fire,

Home Inspection Considerations During Family Transition

Home Inspection Considerations During Family Transition

Home inspections are very useful for people going through separation and divorce. Most often, separating homeowners need to sell their matrimonial home to finance a new living arrangement. A qualified Home Inspector can assess your current or prospective home, providing valuable insight into problems or

Separation and Divorce Financial Considerations

Separation and Divorce Financial Considerations

Separation and divorce could be the largest or second largest expense in your lifetime. Forty to fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. It’s a common problem that affects many North American families. There are more than 1.25 million divorces plus hundreds of thousands of

Parenting Plans

Parenting Plans

Parenting Plans are usually a significant part of a Separation / Divorce Agreement. Parenting Plans can be simple or complex, depending on the parents’ wishes, emotional maturity, personalities and the needs of the children.  Typical paragraphs included in Parenting Plans:  The values both parents choose

Canada has a new Divorce Act

Canada has a new Divorce Act, which improves the focus on children’s needs. This is a must read for everyone going through separation and divorce. Divorce Act changes, new family violence tort, highlight shifting legal landscape

Financial Budgeting

Financial Budgeting

Financial Budgeting is not a mandatory legal requirement, but perhaps it should be. It is one of the most complicated tasks when reaching an agreement and frequently overlooked. Without proper budgeting, most Separation / Divorce Agreements are signed with little regard to the affordability of the Agreement.

Financial Agreement

Financial Agreement

Now that you know your expenses and your financial budgets, you are ready to negotiate the financial aspects of your agreement. This can be challenging and even scary.  If you have children, your situation is even more complicated. Parents have a moral, if not legal

Family Lawyer – Find A Professional

Family Lawyer – Find A Professional

Most people think of Family Lawyers as the only lawyer they’ll retain during separation. Afterall, Family Lawyers are highly trained professionals who understand the legal, parenting / family dynamics and financial nuances during Separation. In your mind, your future is in the hands of your

Family Mediation

Family Mediation

Mediation is a term used to describe a concept for resolving disputes with the help of an independent neutral third party. It’s used in business. It’s used in complicated situations frequently involving legal matters. Now, more than ever, mediation is helping resolve issues in family

Separation / Divorce Agreements

Separation / Divorce Agreements

Most separating couples have never seen one  The Family Law Professional’s role is to help separating couples reach consensus during their negotiations, if possible. The following are some questions people need to consider and some of the most common Family Law sections in a Separation

High-Conflict Families Grounds for divorce

High-Conflict Families Grounds for divorce

Every year over 1,000,000 couples divorce in North America. Prior to divorce, what factors contribute to high-conflict family separations? Statistically, high-conflict separations are a small part of the total number of legal divorces, however, common-law separations across North America are increasing and legal marriages are

Parenting Challenges

Parenting Challenges

Statistically, 20% of adults suffer from emotional difficulties. An additional 5% have extreme mental health issues. Therefore, 1 in 4 adults suffer from emotional problems, which will likely impact their spouse, their children and their own life and cause Parenting Challenges Every year children are