Sharing Children’s Expenses

Insights From A Family Mediator As a Family Mediator I’ve witnessed firsthand the complexities that arise when Co-Parents try to discuss their child(ren)’s special expenses and the repayment of those expenses. Special expenses, which encompass extracurricular activities, prescriptions, dental fees, therapy expenses, educational needs, etc., often require collaborative decision-making and

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Tips For Successful Co-Parenting

Co-Parenting can be challenging and scary, but with dedication, patience, and effective communication, it is possible to create a positive and nurturing environment for your children. As a Family Mediator with years of experience supporting families through their journey, I’ve compiled some important tips to help you and your co-parent

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Parenting schedules on a mobile device and laptop.

How Co-Parenting Apps Can Help Separated and Divorced Families

Co-Parenting can be challenging especially for separated or divorced parents. Co-Parenting Apps offer a range of tools and features to help facilitate communication, organization and coordination between parents, ultimately benefiting the well-being of their children. One key feature of Co-Parenting Apps are shared Calendars. These Calendars allow parents to coordinate

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Co-Parenting and Teacher Interaction

When co-parenting, effective communication extends beyond discussions between ex-spouses. Engaging with your children’s teachers cooperatively can significantly contribute to their academic success and overall well-being. As a Family Mediator experienced in navigating the complexities of co-parenting dynamics, I understand the importance of fostering positive communication channels between co-parents and educators.

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Family Separation

ADHD and Family Separation

ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER with HYPERACTIVITY and It’s Effect on Family Separation All too often we read or hear about difficult or explosive children at school, at home or with their friends. We also read about dysfunctional family separations. What role does ADHD play in family dynamics? Attention Deficit Disorder with

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Separating Families

Separating Families and The Impact On Teens…

A Hurricane & An Earthquake All At Once For many couples, when it’s least expected, a decision is made to separate. One parent may feel relieved, while the other parent wrestles with their emotions. If a joint decision to separate is made by the couple, and both parties communicate well,

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Richmond Hill, ON  L4B 0C7

+1 833 224 7330