
Child Support – Separation & Divorce!

Child Support payments and supporting children are a crucial Family Law expense that aims to ensure the financial well-being of children after their parents’ separation or divorce. Child Support varies by state or province or other jurisdiction. Having practiced Family Mediation for 25 years there are several primary considerations that

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Sharing Children’s Expenses

Insights From A Family Mediator As a Family Mediator I’ve witnessed firsthand the complexities that arise when Co-Parents try to discuss their child(ren)’s special expenses and the repayment of those expenses. Special expenses, which encompass extracurricular activities, prescriptions, dental fees, therapy expenses, educational needs, etc., often require collaborative decision-making and

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Separation and Divorce: Financial Considerations

  Separation and divorce could be the highest or second highest expense paid in your lifetime. Forty to fifty percent of marriages (legal and common-law) end in divorce. It’s a common problem that affects North American families. There are more than 800,000 divorces plus hundreds of thousands of common-law separations

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Life After Divorce

The Real Cost of Life After Divorce

Expected: Legal fees and support payments – Life After Divorce Not expected: Duplicate items for kids in two homes (computers, clothing, etc.). Loss of discounts for shared expenses such as car insurance, cell phones, etc. Two household insurance policies, two cable, water, electrical and gas bills, etc. There may also be

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Financial Budgeting

Financial Budgeting

Financial Budgeting is not a mandatory legal requirement, but perhaps it should be. It is one of the most complicated tasks when reaching an Agreement and is frequently overlooked. Without proper budgeting most Separation / Divorce Agreements are signed with little regard to the affordability of the Agreement. THIS IS

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Financial Agreement

Financial Agreement

Now that you know your expenses and your financial budgets, you are ready to negotiate the financial aspects of your Agreement. This can be challenging and even scary.  If you have children, your situation is even more complicated. Parents have a moral, if not legal responsibility, to support their children

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376 Highway 7 East, Suite 218
Richmond Hill, ON  L4B 0C7

+1 833 224 7330