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Child Support Calculator Canada - Ontario Child Support Calculator

Separation & Divorce Insurance Calculator (Child & Spousal Support)

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How To Use The Rebalancing Beneficiaries Calculator

Many separated moms and dads are required by their Separation / Divorce Agreement, Divorce Order or Court Order, to secure support payments. Rebalancing Beneficiaries Support Insurance allows an insurance policy to secure those payments while allowing additional beneficiaries such as children or a new partner to be included on the policy.

Try our Support Calculators as Child Support Calculator Canada. Your calculations can be saved for use at a later time by joining our Co-Parent / Professional Membership.

  1. If you’ve made calculations with our calculators the information is available for the Rebalancing Beneficiaries Calculator. If this is a new calculation it can be done manually.
  2. Determine your support requirements and check the appropriate boxes.
  3. You may enter either your monthly or yearly payments, or other expenses.
  4. Make sure to enter the number of years for support obligations, for each child, according to your Agreement, Divorce Order or Court Order.
  5. The calculator allows you to estimate your share of Children’s Future Special Expenses (College, University, Special Needs, etc.). Enter the estimated Yearly Amount / child and the number of years needing the support. For example: If your share for the estimated future costs for college / university is $10,000 / year for 4 years and you have 2 children, your share would total $80,000.
  6. Once you’ve completed your requirements for A, B, C, D and E use the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) Calculator to adjust for inflationary costs or increased support obligations due to increasing wages.
  7. The calculator will provide a suggested amount of insurance required, however, insurance may be purchased in $1,000 increments.
  8. Critical Illness Insurance is a form of health insurance protection that provides a lump sum benefit should you survive a serious illness or condition covered by your policy. Illnesses such as Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke can have an impact on you, your ex-spouse or partner and family members, on an emotional and financial level. Critical Illness coverage provides a lump sum payment to help with your support obligations.
  9. Long-Term Disability Insurance provides a monthly payment (when medically qualified) to help with your monthly personal financial requirements and support obligations.
  10. To get a Rebalancing Beneficiaries Support Insurance quote, from some of North America’s leading insurance companies, press the “Get Insurance Quote” button.
Select support calculations you require to secure your support payments:
Child Support Children's Special Expenses Children's Future Special Expenses
Alimony / Spousal Support Other Payments
Name (Who Pays):

Use Come To Agreement’s Child Support Calculator, for accurate calculations, including reduced support payments when children are no longer considered “dependents”.

Note: The Monthly Amount/Child is an approximate amount only, as the Monthly Amount is divided by the number of children. Accurate child support calculations can be made (using Canada’s current Support Tables) with Come To Agreement’s Child Support Calculator.

Please enter a Monthly or Yearly Amount before selecting # of Children.

A Child Support

Who Pays
# of Children
Monthly Amount
Yearly Amount
Child Name
Monthly Amount/Child
# of Years
Insurance Required
Total Insurance for Child Support

B Children’s Special Expenses

Who Pays
# of Children
Monthly Amount
Yearly Amount
Child Name
Monthly Amount/Child
# of Years
Insurance Required
Total Insurance for Children’s Expenses

C Children’s Future Special Expenses (College, University, Special Needs or other costs)

Who Pays
# of Children
Child Name
Monthly Amount
Yearly Amount
# of Years
Insurance Required
Total Insurance for Children’s Future Expenses

D Alimony / Spousal Support

Who Pays
Monthly Amount
Yearly Amount
# of Years
Insurance Required

E Other Payments (To Secure Debts, Equalization Payments, Pensions, etc.)

Who Pays
Monthly Amount
Yearly Amount
# of Years
Insurance Required
Insurance Required A+B+C (without tax deductions)
COLA - Cost of Living Adjustment (compounded yearly)
Total Separation & Divorce Insurance Required
Suggested Amount of Insurance

Critical Illness Support Insurance

Please check required option
To Secure 1 Year of Support Payments (A, B, C)
To Secure 1 Year of Support Payments (A, B, C + COLA)
To Secure 2 Years of Support Payments (A, B, C)
To Secure 2 Years of Support Payments (A, B, C + COLA)


Come To Agreement’s Separation & Divorce Calculators do not replace the advice from an Attorney / Family Lawyer, Family Mediator, Insurance Advisor, Financial Planner or an Accountant, but it's a great place to start. Our representatives and agents do not provide legal, insurance, investment or tax advice to clients. Prospective clients should contact their own Attorney / Family Lawyer, Family Mediator, Insurance Advisor, Financial Planner, or Accountant, regarding their specific situations.

These calculators are designed to be informational and illustrative tools only and are not intended as professional advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their completeness, applicability or accuracy with regard to your individual circumstances. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a professional before making any legal, financial or insurance decisions.